Sunday, 30 September 2012

For some reason, here I am...

It's been oh so long. This thing right here, is where I usually write about my thoughts, how I feel, and mostly, about you guys. When I was active updating my blog, like always, usually, my blog readers would be.. my friends from Habbo. Well, this blog was made specially for them too. But now, I think I've lost a few regular viewers. Ya know what I miss? Us getting on Habbo 'together' and just get random 'together' and troll 'together'. Jeff's long gone. And I haven't talk to Shaun for months. Lee has been pretty busy and as for Jay, I can feel that we're getting distant. So, all I wanted to say is.. FUCK YOU HABBO THE GREAT MUTE.
Cuz I think the reason I haven't been on there is because of that, and even when it's not muted, the chat still sucks goat.