Monday 29 April 2013

Dear Randoms,

Hai people I've never met in my entire life! Random people, strangers as I write my way through this fantastico journey which I am clueless to what may be the outcome of this crapiola. Either way, hullo there! Long time no see ha. I guess?  How are you? How's life? Good? ME TOO!

[clears head -] Hai, my name is Mugen, I may known as 'Mugy', 'Mugie' or.. 'Mug' from some of my friends. Hm, 'friends' you may wonder which group of friends am I talking about. It could be my college friends, my high school friends, Dragon Nest friends, or... Habbo friends? They're all that I seem to love! Buuuut...

...Habbo friends?
I'm sure they're out there somewhere =-=
Anyway, I got into Habbo today, I was ---> o.o and O_O and @@

It changed so much like, someone blowdry the site and completely altered it! (It was my first time on Habbo since last year and it just changed a whole lot now haha)

Well, I'm happy that my pet kitty Roy on Habbo is still alive? That's something

Thursday 22 November 2012

I want you to  ROCK ME,  ROCK ME, ROCK ME, YEAH !

Tuesday 6 November 2012


Tuanku Dato Seri Lord Sir Longkangs anak lelaki bin Jamban Busuk ibini Almarhum Bontot Tahi Shah


so sad yo

Wednesday 31 October 2012

This is Halloween!

Oh hey there humans, didn't see you WAAAAY over there in a place you call 'earth'? Speaking of which, heard about the devastating news about our human friends in U.S. A massive hurricane hit the east coast I believe. Hope Lee is alright though. I think he's somewhere in Washington... Bellingham. I'm sure he's alright with his Halo and arresting people and shtuff. Anywho, Happy Halloween guys! I don't celebrate it though, I just love the idea of people giving me candies and goodies. And how the atmosphere on the internet becomes eerie, and funion, and how people dress up ridiculous yet epic haha (reasons why I play horror games all the time). Well, since I don't celebrate Halloween, I thought I might hang around with the decorations in my all time favourite video game, Dragon Nest (geek-ing out)

I'm on the tree guys! :D

Me and Scar sitting on the pumpkin. Irine, the NPC, is looooooking at meh. =_= oh and there's a pirate cat with a couple of ghosts floatin' round the tree :D

me and Scar decided to put out our armours and weapons and just chill with our pumpkin heads XD

It looks like Scar is eating her hand

me again, side view look.

me and Scar 'naked' again but this time we're chillin' at Scar's favourite hang out spot in Lotus Marsh.

Oh hey and look! I found a paaage! 7 more to go lol. I see what you did there Dragon Nest. Changed my pumpkin horn head to gentlemen. This way, I look like my char on Habbo :D

Made this for Jay in a really short period, just doodles and throwing colours on it. For the hell of it.

So that's all for now! Enjoy your Halloween my good humans~

Tuesday 30 October 2012


Eh ay humans! Ya know, who would ever thought by just playing the same mmorpg video game as your college mates, you would become 'closer' to them. I thought 'friendship' blooms when you 'actually' see them in person, classes, out for movies... But noooo. It doesn't work that way for us I guess. The irony.
Well, I think it's because, when you don't know someone, but you wanted to get to know them, and sometimes it's just awkward to make a conversation in person. So Imma be mention some names here. (Some of the people which I think are awesome to hang with. :D) Well, I wouldn't have gotten to know Reezal, Nik, Alyaa, Pjol, Raja and a bunch more if it weren't because of a certain mmorpg game we're playing. Heck, WE wouldn't even played the game if it weren't for Reezal himself. I was... well, you could say that my self-esteem was pretty low back then. I was afraid to talk to people, I don't like being judge (who doesn't). But these people, they're just, amazing haha I'm so blessed to have such wonderful friends :'D (Except one or two of em =_=) College life is just so amazing now, less drama, better environment, people with the same interests as you (same course), I love how weird they are like nobody's business (some are just... revolting; how they act like they know it all). I expected the worse when I get into college, I never thought I will get this many awesome friends. All because of this one game_ Dragon Nest :) 
I guess... this video game is like a training wheels of friendship. You make conversations in the game, battle monsters 'together', you do quests 'together', you ask questions about the game (CONVERSATION! aha *eyebrows*), you lead a party, you get closer to one another by inviting them into your party, you play hide and seek in towns with friends cuz you're bored of doing dungeons, you have fun in PvP with others, and loads more! So basically, just by playing an mmorpg game 'together' with your friends you just gotten closer to them! Next thing you know, you go to college and have an 'actual' conversation with your college mates about the game you just played 'together' and start having references from the game! TRUST ME, THIS WORKS! The reason why I still play Dragon Nest, is because all my college mates are playing! :D 

Okie dokie then, have fun with YOUR mmorpg game - mm

Monday 29 October 2012


Hai there humans... I just read my friend's blog; Moonlit Showdown. It's about one of our classmate. He's hell of a 'keyboard warrior'. I won't tell you the details cuz it's written all in the link I gave you. Well, for starters, I for one, am pissed too by the way he has been treating us. But I guess Reezal (owner of the blog in the link) just exploded and couldn't take it anymore. I'm glad that finally, someone has the balls to speak up to this 'warrior' (lets just call him warrior here). On the night of the incident, Reezal was... he was completely disturbed and bothered by it. I would just like to give this warrior a bitch slap for doing this to him. I wanted to comfort him, I just didn't know my words. Plus I just thought he should have some time alone, considering what happened...

Now I just want semester break to end so I can see him and see how he's doing :)