I want... chocken?! Yeaaah it's a mixture of chocolate and chicken! I mean, I never really had one, don't know if that stuff exist o_o but when the world decided to make one, call me please! I don't even like chicken whuuut? Anyway hello existing humans of the earth or better off saying people and... humans? I don't know what I'm talkin' bout.
9:36pm here woooooot! (Why am I woot-ing?) Actually fellow humans (british accent) I just need to BLOG so I can distract myself on feeling bored doing this stupid assignment! It's not that hard really haha I just often feel bored doing it. Not to say that the assignment is boring no! HAHA well, maths bore me. Naah, I just have to critic a couple of poster and ads then I'm done. Still have loads of assignments though that involves CREATIVENESS and RANDOM PEOPLE. Tell you guys bout it later haha.
Oh yes! I'm gonna tell you guys something I never told anyone before. This is really embarrassing. Last Thursday, I was at the library on level 7. You see, the top library (it's a 3 storey library) has glass everywhere. The whole top floor of the library is made of glass (except the floor duhh) so you can literally see through the glass walls and windows and stuff. Anyway, this is funny. As I walked with my hands full and me checking my notes, I seriously thought I was walking through the glass door but instead, I bumped right at the glass wall *DING* it made that sound cuz, my bracelet came in contact with the glass so it made a loud *DING* like something crash and broke. I was like "SHIT" due to embarrassment I laughed at the people who saw me and straight away left the floor. SHIT HAPPENS TOODALOO!
I should be doing my assignment now. Blog in a bit humans! (Not that anyone reads this stuff)
Wow some weird people I never thought will ever chat with me started to chat on fb. o_o
1) Some guy I haven't spoke for awhile
2) My former neighbour who bought the same phone as me. LOL!
omg this just came in
3) MORGAN (forgot his Habbo name) HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH
omg another one
4) my best friend AIMAN :D
5) My friend's little sister LOL
Amazing how when you're busy, loads of people started chatting with you but when you're bored, just waaaiting for someone to do so, THEY DON'T. D:<
Me reporting at 10:58pm!
Still haven't finish my assignment yet, too much distraction now haha! Well, Habbo-ing for a bit. Ryan's on!
[Subway; Ryan's favourite place]
12:34am So earlier today, me, Ryan and Jay were hanging out at Starbucks (in Habbo). It started off as Ryan asking me what did Malaysian's call 'roti parata'. I told him we call em 'roti canai'. So then all this malay words became the topic of the day. Just like that. Haha! I really can't stand Ryan. He made me want to use the word 'lah' haha cuz he also uses it! Singlish and Manglish ain't that different yo. Anyway so Ryan started talking shit, so I said 'APA?' means 'what?' I know he knows the meaning of it cuz he knows malay as well! Well, a little bit of it. He uses the word 'lepak' to me before which is a slang for 'hangout' so yeah, he knows! So Ryan and me started saying 'APA' in caps countless times. Jay who had no idea what it was, thought it was 'Appa' from Avatar LMAO! Not to mention her tagline "TOMBOM KANG LA MACHA" means something like... "I'll punch you bro" haha! And Ryan said "Kuieh Lapiz" today haha! It's so cute cuz he misspelled it! I was laughing my head off cuz it's so cute HAHA the right spelling for it is suppose to be 'kuih lapis' a traditional cake/dessert. Ryan said I was in the zone, teaching people malay. LOL not even *eyebrows*

here we go :D
1:05am Almost done..... I meant, ya know... my... whatever D:<
Oh ummm, would like to add something here, I AM A FREAKIN PSYCHIC! KTHXBYE! Ryan knows what I'm talking about >:)
1:28am FINALLY FINISHED MY ELEMENTS AND PRINCIPLE OF DESIGN ASSIGNMENT! Wow. Talk about sleepy. o_o Better start my Creative Studies assignment tomorrow then. I might die doing it all today D::
By the way, I know Ryan's full name now due to my amazing stalking abilities. It's... KOH KOK FONG RYAN! YES! KOH! LIKE.... POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE LMAO! Now I shall use yous full name against you worthless peasants! Bow! LoL! Kidding sheesh *cough* Jaimee-Lee Jillian Hagan *cough* LeeRoy Deberry *cough* Scarlet Coryn Marie Lambert*cough* ummmm who else? o_o Oh crud, forgot Morgan's. Morgan Fabio something URGGHHHH >:U
Back to Habbo! LOL Ryan's sleeping D:<
Caps yo face! If you're hyper while reading this then CAPS YOU!