Danial XD

Danial and Khairi's group's presentation.

My group task last week >:) surprisingly we got ALL superheroes! Some group got Spongebob and even Voldermort bahahaha!!

I didn't wanna hand up my report cuz i worked hard on it and I print it out with colours!! So i took a picture of it :'(

Naz, Khairi and me (taking this picture) were waiting for our transport at Tesco Extra loool Those guys in the picture, the umm passers by, they wanted to be in the picture after I snapped it. They were posing for god sake but I wasn't gonna take their picture! Randoms sheesh.
Oh soo.. Yeah. After I got home, I wasn't in any position to be smiling or crap. I was really moody serious! HAHAHA LIKE A FREAKIN GOAT! GOATS CAN BE IN A BAD MOOD TOO OKAY. Something might have happened to me today that made me really upset HAHAHA IKR? ME? UPSET? PFFT but yeah I cried so loud I think neighbours can hear o_o LMAO ANYWAY! JUST TO POINT THAT OUT CUZ APPARENTLY SOMETHING CHANGED MY MOOD TODAY! LIKE ON THE RIGHT TIME, MOMENT, I WAS REALLY HAPPY THEN SIMPLY PUT. I'm not the kind who opens my email often, just on certain purposes. But i don't know why I got home and checked my email. Crazy!

Not gonna lie, this made my day. Seriously changed my mood. WOW LEE U PSYCHIC?!?! Anyway thanks Lee for wasting several minutes of your life just to send me this. It's amazinggg :'D
SO! Caps yo face! If you're hyper while reading this then CAPS YOU!!
posted from Bloggeroid
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