Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Judgement Day ._.

Okay so, todays' the day, the day that I've been waiting and counting down, the day that I just wanted to get this over with. It's 8:24am now. Results is coming out at 10am. So I've got less than 2 hours. To be honest I'm so nervous I feel like vomiting.  Haha people kept telling me to 'chill' and not to cry if I received bad results, but my mind is telling me to do so, so I just went along. >:D I've been having sleepless nights recently and been spamming Jay's WhatsApp saying that "I can't sleep". Having a headache, well I think it's migraine haha! My friends told me that I'm stress, maybe?! I think I maaaaay have been over thinking this. But heck, after this 2 hours, I'll know where I'm heading, my future and shit haha. They kept mentioning "SPM results out today" on the radio and the news, that seriously freaked me out even more, like WTF BRO, you're not the one who's taking it! Oh and the fact that I have to go alone when taking the results. I don't know, I'm scared as shit. I sorta created a list in my head, so I can survive later >_>

1) Avoid teachers and friends
2) Take results
3) Go to a corner or somewhere private
4) Check out results
5) Keep my mouth shut
6) Avoid people again.
7) Go Home

LMAO but I doubt that this plan would work. *It never does*

Anyway, I may have hurt someone's feeling the other day. Well, If you're reading this, once again, I'm really really really sorry. Looking back at it now makes me think that I can't believe I was that low. I shouldn't have done that. I should have told you straight in the face (well not literally) I felt really guilty doing that, and since I can't contact you to apologize again, I might as well post it somewhere (here). I really hope you forgive me haha because I can't sleep just thinking about it.

Well, alright, it's 8:47am now, I might as well be off. I am very glad that I've met you people on Habbo, you guys are just so awesome, keeping me occupied for the last 3 months. Have a great day ahead of you :D


Monday, 19 March 2012

I am NOT bored :D

This title post! Is irrelevant!
I am absolutely bored, yes! I am terrified, yes! (2 DAYS PEOPLE, 2 DAYS!) I have butterflies in my stomach, maybe?! 

(I think this was last Friday) Can you not tell how bored I am?! (Messing with my sister's shoe design tools *eyebrows*) Maybe I wasn't bored o_o Maybe... I was NERVOUS AND SCARED LIKE HELL AND TO KEEP ME OCCUPIED I'VE DREW A MAGNIFICENT 'WHAT-TO-NOT-LIKE' SCARS BECAUSE PEOPLE DIGG SCARS! ... And rings >_> oh and a couple of  'random' hats, eyepatch and a tiara. Random Rainbow as well. >_>

Ah watched the sunset beside the beach the other day, it was nice. Wait, it's Port Klang. Lmao.
So I went here with my cool 'scars' and whatnot (it doesn't really come off after I took a shower so I let it be) and my sister kept asking me the same question every time she saw my hand. "What the hell is that *@#%^&" (pet name shall not be revealed). I kinda laughed every time she asked me that haha, but then finally I went "Oh can't you tell, I drew some scars and stuff using Magic Colour! Cuz it's Cool!" LOL 

Friday, 16 March 2012

Hai Me...

I am dedicating this post to myself cuz I deserve it for some reason muahaha! Today I got a Mountain Dew from my mom! I'm so very thankful for it!! Oh and I might be getting one from my brother as well so 2 Mountain Dews for me! (It's just that he owes me for something I did and he may felt guilty *eyebrows*)

Jay showed me her Blue Mountain Dew and I noticed that they have a different bottle shape. Anyway, this is how my Mountain Dew bottle looks like.

Well, wanted to share a lil something I made for my class's senior page last year but it didn't get published in my school magazine. My classmate just didn't like the idea and preferred a more simpler page for it. This was my first try. My second try got published >:)

I do get it why they refused this version. It is a bit cluttered. But well, ya know me, I like things different haha.

That's it for now! Ciao!
Lee's tagline "me no hablar frencho" >_>

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

New Blog Background!

Credits to my WiiFOO Jay Hernandez, she's just so cute as pie XD

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Friday, 9 March 2012


tic tac toe I won! >:D



I know it's kinda late, but Happy Birthday ;)
Aaand you might wanna know that the reason I laughed was because some crows started 'gak'-ing lmao. I didn't wanna redo it cuz I think it's hilarious XD (by the way I've been searching for the instrumental version for almost 2 hours, but I can't find it!)

Was taken on March 7th.

This song is stuck in my head. It's like it has a mind control or some sort. I memorized the freakin lyrics o_o

My phone is my stalking device! LOL Auckland timezone to stalk Jay, Vancouver to stalk Kyle Vagina (Fudge,) and Lee (Bellingham, Washington has the same time as Vancouver) and last but not least, to stalk Shaun's timezone, which I only have to rotate my time and his and minus one hour. So basically we have 11 hours difference ._.

See what I did there >_> no? screw you.

Me, Lotion Guy/Trent (:Lucien:) and Jay (MizJoanne) dancin'. Wish to know the secret on getting up there?! >:D Wait, you guys already know ._.

Sam (Lament.) being oh so RANDOM!

Hmmm, the one holding the flower is Ryan (ur123), in the middle is me, and the one who's holding the coffee is Brody (MotorBladeking) Man, I have a good memory. Oh and I think that's Sir Quacksalot.

Oh crud. I don't remember this one. Which is which?! Who's the real Ryan?! All I know is one of em is Brody and Ryan, but who's the third ur123 impersonator? ._.


Haha I named my Pidgey after Jay! See what I did there >_>


Wednesday, 7 March 2012



Monday, 5 March 2012

Last Week

Hai Hai long time no see/ blog/ whatever? First and foremost... WELCOME TO EARTH BABY KENDRA! I HOPE YOU'LL BECOME AN AWESOME NINJA THAN BEING A WIZARD (smiles) Second of all, lets get this over with...
So, as some of you heard, last week, 1st of March was a Beaver Apocalypse. Okay it was in fact his birthday but so what right? Well, just sharing with you guys, sharing is caring >:)

People all over Twitter was pissed by this! Well, but of course, for Beliebers out there, they find this amazing -.-

Okay so, the reason why Lee and Sam said those was because... I said "Isn't it weird that Bieber's Canadian and so does Shaun. Bieber's birthday's on March, and so does Shaun too!" So... err yaaa XD

This was screened when Andrei's (Hawky) Hotspring room wasn't yet completed. So Jay went on putting out her forest junk in the other side of the room so people won't get in (evil laugh). We were pixel dancing while listening to that dumb Lucy (stupid DJ on ThisHabboFM) reading out our shoutouts to each other. That was really fun. Oh yeah there was this strange phenomenon happened (drama fish much, mugen?) Me and Jay spammed the shout out box when Matty's on ThisHabboFM cuz although he doesn't know how to READ or SPEAK English for all I care, BUT! He reads ALL OF OUR STUPID RETARDED SHOUT OUTS AND REQUESTS SO, YOU ROCK MATTY! ask Matty to add you cuz he will ----> matt806
Anyway, as I was saying before I got interrupted by Mugen here, well, as I was making shoutouts on that station, Matty was like "Mug-- Mugy-- Mugee ay?" I was "omg he doesn't know how to pronounce my name" So Jay then, send a shoutout saying "Dear Matty, it's MOO like a cow, and GEN, get it right" something like that. BUT HE STILL DOESN'T GET IT. So at the end of the day, he said he decided to call me "Gay" how insulting is that?! (laugh) but MATTY is still our favourite DJ!
ThisHabbo <--- tune in for crazy shoutouts LOL

Ah! This was taken a long time ago. Well, I think it was 3 weeks ago? Haha it was when I made the "Where Are You Lee" event. And then Andrei (Hawky) and some other guy named Lee put on my Ben 10 outfit sheesh

Okay actually this wasn't Last Week. I don't know, I just like posting random stuff haha. Anyway! LADIES AND GENTS! As you can see, this guy, is teaching me how to say vulgar words in German, so yeah, like I said, 'sharing is caring' >:)

This sure gave me goosebumps. 
